Monday 21 September 2009

The boys go for the chop......

The pony and the donkey have gone to the vet's today to be gelded. Fun and games at 8 o clock this morning as Ross decided he didn't want to load. Flecha sauntered up the ramp and immediately started eating the straw on the floor, but Ross was not going in, no way, I can do that other little trailer because I know it won't eat me but this is new and big dangerous........He wouldn't even go in for food!! So eventually, me and the lorry owner virtually carried him in (good job he's a small donkey). Ali had the lead rein and we linked hands behind him and pushed him in, then he just stood there with a "how did that happen?" expression on his face.

They looked very small in the lorry......

When we got there of course, he didn't want to get out, then he didn't want to go into the box they'd prepared for him.......maybe he's got an idea of what he's there for! Flecha on the other hand was delighted to be out and about, in a big box with hay to munch and even some left over food in the manger from a previous occupant (the manger is horse height from the floor but he still managed to crane his neck up to get at the leftovers!)
Anyway, the vet has just phoned to say the ops went well and they've both come round OK from the anaesthetic.. They will probably be back on Thursday. I shan't miss my early morning donkey alarm call tomorrow........

1 comment:

Abby the cheerleader said...

i love this blog horses are awesome

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